Jesus, that’s dark! And yet not too dark to be implausible: anyone who’s been married a while will recognize the shocking levels of enmity that can take hold in a relationship if you’re not careful.

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I was a young paperboy when I learnt that some people just aren't meant to be together. And also how not to treat your partner (or anyone else for that matter).

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So true: I was 12 when I could see my parents were ruining each other.

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Actually I was much younger. Think I was about 6 or 7 when my dad would take me into town so he could buy my mum a book to say sorry for their latest fight. We'd always pop into this antique shop and he'd treat me to a mixed bag of foreign stamps. Bittersweet memories.

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Grim. But propulsive, as ever.

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Thanks for reading, mate. Can't say I enjoyed writing the dialogue.

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