Ah, nice to hear your voice Kris. Is this pretty straight--meaning, pretty much a factual account? It has a different feel to it than that last story (which I took to be fictionalized, if not fiction). What I like is how much I can see the scene, without you being excessive in your description.

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Love it Kris! Good movement throughout. No stagnant parts. It's like I was there with you.

And these lines made me chuckle:

"I desire a bed, a toilet, and nothing else."

"I ask Luis if we are heading to a sausage party."

Plus--this really happened??!! What fun you've had... :)

Keep writing, my friend!

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I am jealous of your exciting travel times, your ability to recall them, and your ability to put your recollections into lovely words. Not so much your gastrointestinal distress. This aspect is far too close to my neurotic heart and I feel stressed just thinking about unknown toilets, timing and transport.

Awesome work as always.

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There's always a threat of menace hanging in your stories. Creates a tense reading experience. Well done.

Also, cheery prostitute made me laugh and wince all at once.

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